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Welcome to the PLASTA Research pages - an area designed to connect clinicians and students wishing to undertake research in the field of Plastic Surgery.
For trainees/students: Search and apply for available projects around the country, and get more experience in the field of plastic surgery research
How to apply:
Step 1: Click on the project page on the dropdown menu.
Step 2: Having identified a project, open the link to view more details.
Step 3: To apply, fill in the form at the bottom of the page and submit.
Step 4: Your application will be sent to the respective supervisor, who will review and reply via email.
For supervisors: Upload projects for trainees/students to view and apply for
How to upload:
Step 1: Click on the submit a project link on the dropdown menu.
Step 2: Fill in the form to give details about the project, and who can apply.
Step 3: Once the project has been submitted, it will be sent to the PLASTA research team who will upload it onto the website.
Step 4: Trainees can then apply to your project using a designated form. Each application from trainees will be sent to the email you provide.
If you have any suggestions on how the research pages could be improved, please contact us: research.plasta@gmail.com